Dyrssen Award 2024

The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences annually presents The Dyrssen Award for Master’s degree projects in marine sciences in Sweden. Monetary prizes are awarded to the two best nominations: First prize is SEK 10,000 and the second prize is SEK 5,000. The award is instituted by SHF in honour of David Dyrssen (1922 - 2011), emeritus professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Gothenburg. As one of the founding members of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences, he spent his career being an active proponent for the promotion of inter-disciplinary research in marine sciences. 

The 2024 Prizes will be awarded during the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences Marine Research Days meeting, to be held in Kalmar in November 2024. 

Nominate candidates for the 2024 Dyrssen Award no later than 22 September!

Please send your nominations to dyrssen@shf.seLast date for the nomination is 22 september 2024

Master theses within marine sciences that have been approved between July 1st 2023 and June 30th 2024 are eligible for nomination to the 2024 Dyrssen award. The thesis must be within a marine science discipline, associated with a Swedish university and have at least 30 credits. The nomination can be sent in by the student, but a nomination letter from the advisor or examiner must be included together with their contact email.

The nomination pack should include the following, compiled as a single pdf document:

  1. Cover page containing
    • The nominee's full name, address, and e-mail.
    • University and Department that approved the thesis.
    • Number of credits (högskolepoäng).
    • Name of supervisor or examiner and their e-mail address
  2. Nomination letter from the supervisor or examiner.
  3. The thesis as a pdf file.

The nomination should be sent to dyrssen(at)shf.se, you can also contact us at this e-mail with any questions regarding the Dyrssen awards.

Questions? Contact us anytime at dyrssen@shf.se!