
Marine Research Days 2024

The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences (Svenska havsforskningsföreningen, SHF) organises the Swedish Marine Science conference (Havsforskningsdagarna) once a year. The conference is an interdisciplinary marine conference where scientists, officials, consultants, biologists, chemists, oceanographers, engineers and geologists meet and share their experiences and knowledge during a small-scale, 2-3 days conference.

Everyone who works in Sweden in marine research and surveillance, or who in other ways has a special interest in issues related to our marine areas, is welcome to participate and share their experiences and knowledge during this conference. Participants are welcome to present their work orally or as a poster, and SHF also invites interesting and inspiring speakers each year. The marine research days are an excellent opportunity to present the latest research and projects that are ongoing at national level.

Link to The conference Marine Research Days 2024

The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences (SHF), is a non-profit association. Since the start in 1967, SHF has worked to promote cooperation between Swedish institutions and people who work on issues related to the marine environment and marine sciences. As part of this work, we organize the Marine Research Days every year; a conference whose main purpose is to promote the dissemination of Swedish research at national and international level. Through the Marine Research Days, we offer a forum with strong continuity but also in a format that promotes collaboration between researchers and private organizations.


We hope to be able to continue to support Swedish marine research for many years to come, and we therefore urge everyone to show their support for the association by continuing to be or become new members. Read more about membership here.

Registreringen är nu öppen för årets upplaga av Havsforskningsdagar, kom till Kalmar 26e-28e November för spännande forskningspresentationer och diskussioner: https://shf.se/havsforskningsdagarna/havsforskningsdagarna-2024/

Remember to nominate candidates to the annual Dyrssen Masters Thesis award, deadline 22/9! https://shf.se/en/dyrssenpriset/

Kom ihåg att nominera kandidater till det årliga Dyrssen priset för bästa MSc uppsats, senast 22/9! https://shf.se/dyrssenpriset/

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