
If you are interested in the field of marine sciences, you are welcome as a member of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences (SHF). In order for the membership register to function and thus the Society's mailing list, name and email must be entered when making the payment in the form below.

Click here to register as a member (Google Forms)

As a member of SHF you have the possibility to influence the work done by the society and support the funding of the The Dyrssen Award. The member registry is also used for distributing information about the Swedish Marine Science conference (Havsforskningsdagarna).

The membership fee is currently 50 kr for students and 100 kr for others and is paid through Swish: 123 338 7719 or through Bankgiro: 5326-2929.

Any questions about the membership can be e-mailed to medlem(at)

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

On May 25, 2018, the EU's new data protection legislation GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was enforced. GDPR must ensure that companies and organizations handle personal data correctly. The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences deals with your personal information (e-mail address and name) exclusively in order to be able to process news releases and information about the annual Marine Sciences Conference and nominations for the Dyrssen Award. You have the right to request deletion of Your information in our system - provided that the information is no longer necessary for the purpose(s) for which it has been collected and / or processed. For questions about the SHF's processing of personal data please contact the Board. You also always have the right to make complaints regarding the processing of your personal data to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.