MRD 2019

We are very happy to announce that the Marine Sciences Conference 2019 will be organized together with SLU Aqua in Öregrund, 12-13* November. Keynote speakers will focus on interactions between research, management, and environmental monitoring. The conference ends with a panel discussion on these topics with the keynote speakers. We welcome all that are active or interested in marine sciences, management, and monitoring to the conference!
Programme Marine Sciences Conference 2019
Keynote speakers
Anna Gårdmark, professor, SLU Aqua
Jan Schmidtbauer Crona, investigator, Department for Marine and Water Management, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
Anna Sobek, Associate professor, Stockholm University Department of Environmental Sciences and Analytical Chemistry
The conference will close with a panel talk with all Keynote speakers.
The Dyrssen Award will be presented during the conference for the two best masters thesis within marine sciences (10 000 SEK and 5 000 SEK).
Registration is now open
Registration to the conference is done through the conferenceservice at SLU at the link below
Registration deadline October 21st 2019. If you have questions regarding the registration or anything else concerning the conference, contact us at konferensen(at)
Conference fee*
The conference fee INCLUDES lunch and all dinners. Hotel and breakfast is NOT INCLUDED in the conference fee.
Early bird registration fee until September 10th 2019
Ph.D. and master students: 1700 kr
Others: 2200 kr
Registration fee after September 10th
Ph.D. and master students: 2200 kr
Others: 2700 kr
At registration after September 10th the whole fee will be charged.
Abstract submission
For those who want to hold a presentation or show a poster during the conference, abstract is sent in via the link below. Deadline for submitting abstract is October 21st 2019
Accomodation in Öregrund
There are five hotels and hostels in Öregrund, where rooms have been pre-booked for the conference. The document below contains information and links to the various options (in English), as well as the reference to be stated when booking. It is also included a map showing how the different accommodation is in relation to the conference rooms and the restaurants where we will have lunch and dinner.
* We would like to inform you that the conference will be shortened with one day. The conference will start at lunch on the 12th and end in the afternoon on the 13th of November. As a consequence of this the registration fee has also been reduced accordingly, to 1500 kr as a normal fee and 1200 kr for PhD students. These reduced fees will be on your invoice. We hope that you still would like to join us for two fruitful conference days but would anyway like to give you the option to cancel your registration due to the changed schedule.
Everyone that has registered an abstract for a presentation will get to hold an oral presentation.
Please send any inquires or questions to konferensen(at)