MRD 2021
Time: 23 November 13:00 – 24 November 17:15
Place: ZOOM and Konferenscenter Wallenberg, Medicinaregatan 20, 413 90 Göteborg
The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences welcomes everyone who is engaged and interested in marine sciences, management and environmental monitoring to this conference on the SEA! The meeting focuses on current aspects of research, management and environmental monitoring in marine systems. The theme of the conference will relate to salinity gradients along the Swedish coastal zone, from the Bothnian Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia, to the Kattegat and Skagerrak. In addition to oral presentations and poster presentations, there will be room for networking. The Society's annual meeting convenes 24/11.
Due to effects of the pandemic, the conference is mainly managed digitally via Zoom. There will also be limited opportunities to participate on site at the Wallenberg´s Conference Center, Gothenburg. The invitation includes an application to contribute by speed talk (< 5 min) presenting a digital poster (max 4 slides).
Additional meeting information and details for participation will be sent out prior to the conference. Depending on the number of registrations and the prevailing pandemic development, the Board may need to prioritize and limit the requests for participation on site. Applications and requests from second (MSc) and third (PhD) cycle students as well as from early career scientists (post docs) will be given priority. A limited number of travel grants are available.
The registration for on-site participation is now closed.
The registration for online participation is now closed.
The Board ( of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences