MRD 2022
Time: 16 november kl. 13:00 – 18 november kl. 12:00
Place: William-Olssonsalen i Geovetenskapens hus, Stockholms universitet
Adress: Svante Arrhenius väg 14, 114 18 Stockholm (karta nedan)
The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences welcomes everyone who is engaged and interested in marine sciences, management and environmental monitoring to this conference on the SEA ! The meeting focuses on current aspects of research, management, and environmental monitoring in marine systems. In addition to oral presentations and a poster session, there will be room for networking. The annual meeting of the Society is arranged November 17 as part of the Marine Research Days.
For the first time since the pandemic, the conference is organized in person on site. This invitation includes an application to contribute by oral or poster presentations. Submitted contributions will be organized within sessions based on the conference program, or standalone if the content is considered outside the scope of the sessions provided (see conference program outlined below).
Final program for the conference, additional meeting information and confirmation of participation will be sent out prior to the conference. Depending on the number of registrations, the Board may need to prioritize and limit the requests for participation on site. Applications and requests from second (MSc) and third (PhD) cycle students, as well as from early career scientists (post docs), will be given priority.
The registration is now closed.
Registration to the conference encompasses access to oral presentations and the poster session. The conference fee of 400 SEK includes icebreaker (Wednesday), fika, and lunch-box/baguette (Thursday and Friday). Special registration is needed for the conference dinner (Thursday).
The conference fee does not cover travel expenses or costs associated with accommodation. A limited number of travel grants are available for students and early career scientists (option in the registration form).
The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences is a politically independent and non-profit organization. Please remember to sign up for a membership prior to the conference ( A valid membership is a requirement to participate in the conference.
Questions? Please contact the Board (
Board of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences

Poster session (click here for abstracts)
Map of the Stockholm University campus, Frescati. The conference venue William-Olssonsalen, Geovetenskapens hus, is located very close to the Metro stop Universitetet ( and the venue for the conference dinner is just a short walk from there.
Conference venue: William-Olssonsalen, Svante Arrhenius väg 14, 114 18 Stockholm
Dinner venue: Svante Arrhenius väg 20A, 114 18 Stockholm