
Congratulations to the Dyrssen awardees 2023!

The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences annually manages and awards the Dyrssen Award for the two best degree projects in marine sciences at master's level. First prize is SEK 10,000 and second prize SEK 5,000. The award is instituted by SHF in honor of David Dyrssen (1922 - 2011), emeritus professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Gothenburg. As one of the founding members of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences, he spent his career being an active proponent for the promotion of trans-disciplinary research for the marine sciences.

The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences is very pleased to announce that the Dyrssen Award 2023 for the best thesis (first and second prize) in marine sciences at master's level go to:

María Eugenia (Maru) Bernal Gómez, Göteborgs universitet

Linking sexual reproduction with genetic diversity and connectivity in the seagrass Zostera marina (L.)

Wilma Ljungberg, Göteborgs universitet

CO2 uptake and carbonate biogeochemistry along a tidal glacier-lagoon-ocean continuum

Many thanks to all students, supervisors and examiners for the nominations for this year's Dyrssen Award! The assessment is based on four main criteria: value of interest, level of knowledge, execution and presentation. A total of 18 nominated theses were reviewed by the board, two honorary chairs, and two former board members. The prizes are awarded in connection with the SHF annual meeting during the Marine Research Days 21-23 November in Umeå. The winners are invited to present their work during the conference.