Havsforskningsdagarna 2023

Time: 21 November 13:00 PM – 23 November 12:15 PM
Place: Rotundan, Umeå University
Address: Universums gränd 4, 901 87 Umeå
The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences (SHF) welcomes everyone engaged and interested in marine sciences, management and environmental monitoring to this conference on the SEA! The meeting focuses on current aspects of research, management and environmental monitoring in marine systems. The theme of the 2023 conference is “Grand Challenges in Marine Sciences for Sustainable Development in the UN Decade of the Oceans”. The conference is co-organized by SHF, Umeå University, Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF), and the strategic research program EcoChange. The conference and annual meeting are open to members of the Society. Please remember to sign up for a membership prior to the conference.
Keynote speakers

Dr. Liisa Jantunen
Air Quality Processes Research Division of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Keynote: Microplastics and Associated Chemicals: Transport to and within the Canadian Arctic

Docent Hanna Farnelid
Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Linnæus University
Keynote: Assessing the importance of small autotrophs – what is their role in biogeochemical cycles in the Baltic Sea?

Dr. Carolyn Faithfull
Institute of Coastal Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Keynote: Using mental models in ecosystem based management of the Bothnian Sea

Dr. Jakob Walve
Marine Pelagic Ecology Laboratory, Stockholm University
Keynote: Changes in the marine environmental monitoring – how will it influence research?

Dr. Siv Huseby
Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF), Umeå University
Keynote: Areas of further data requirement in environmental research

Dr. Elin Almroth Rosell
Research Department, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Keynote: Marine monitoring data: A cornerstone in the oceanographic research on historic and future marine environmental status

Dr. Lennart Bornmalm
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Keynote: The Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition provided new knowledge about the sea

MSc. María Eugenia (Maru) Bernal Gómez
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Dyrssen Award: Linking sexual reproduction with genetic diversity and connectivity in the seagrass Zostera marina (L.)

MSc. Wilma Ljungberg
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Dyrssen Award: CO2 uptake and carbonate biogeochemistry along a tidal glacier-lagoon-ocean continuum

Prof. Helena Filipsson
Quaternary Sciences, Department of Geology, Lund University
Keynote: Marine Environmental Change Through a Microfossil 3D Lens

Dr. Louise Newman
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg
Keynote: Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research (SWERVE)
Abstract submission
Abstract submissions for oral or poster presentations are highly recommended and encouraged. Submission is managed through the registration portal below. Submitted contributions will be organized within sessions based on the conference program, or standalone if the content is considered outside the scope of the sessions provided (see program outlined below). Depending on the number of submitted abstracts (oral and posters), the Board may need to prioritize. Submissions from second (MSc) and third (PhD) cycle students, as well as from early career scientists (post docs), will be given priority.
General guidelines
Abstract: 2000 characters including spaces
Presentation: 15 min + 5 min for questions and discussion
Poster: size A0 (841 x 1189 mm)
The conference venue Rotundan (link to campus map) is located next to the main university Aula Nordica in the Universum building. In addition to keynotes, oral presentations, and poster contributions, there will be room for networking during the Icebreaker on November 21. The conference dinner will be held at P5 Väven (Storgatan 46, 903 26 Umeå) on 22 November. P5 Väven is located in the city center where also most of the accomodation options are located. You reach the University conference venue from the city center easiest with the local bus service (Ultra). The conference also includes an opportunity to visit Umeå Marine Sciences Center (UMF) and its marine research station in Norrbyn by joint bus travel from the University venue.
Dyrssen Awards
The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences annually manages and awards the Dyrssen Award for the two best degree projects in marine sciences at master’s level. First prize is SEK 10 000 and second prize SEK 5 000. The award is instituted by SHF in honor of David Dyrssen (1922 – 2011), emeritus professor of analytical chemistry at the University of Gothenburg. As one of the founding members of the Society, he spent his career being an active proponent for the promotion of inter-disciplinary research in marine sciences. The award ceremony will take place on 22 November.
Annual meeting
The Swedish Society for Marine Sciences is a politically independent and non-profit organization. The annual meeting of the Society is arranged on November 22 as part of the conference. Please note that the annual meeting will be in Swedish. For more information and documents see About us in the main menu.
Conference fee
Registration to the conference encompasses access to oral presentations and the poster session. The conference fee includes icebreaker (Tuesday), fika and lunches (Wednesday and Thursday). Special registration is needed for the conference dinner (Wednesday). The conference fee does not cover travel expenses or costs associated with accommodation. A limited number of travel grants (up to 5 000 SEK for travel, accomodation, and conference fee) are available for students and early career scientists (option in the registration form). Applicants will need to submit their application separately with included receipts to the Board (styrelsen@shf.se).
Conference fee: 1 200 SEK excl. VAT
Conference dinner: 500 SEK excl. VAT [optional]
Visit to UMF: Free [optional]
Registration, abstract submission, and payment here (external link to Umeå Congress)
Registration deadline: 23 October 2023 30 October 2023
The board of the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences